
Showing posts from September, 2024

Class 11 Biology Hindi Mind Maps Free PDF Download

PDF of Jeev Vigyan Mind Maps - 1. जीव जगत (The Living World) - Click here 2. Biological Classification (जीवों का वर्गीकरण) - coming soon 3. **Plant Kingdom (पादप जगत)** 4. **Animal Kingdom (प्राणि जगत)** 5. **Morphology of Flowering Plants (सपुष्पक पादपों की आकृति-विज्ञान)** 6. **Anatomy of Flowering Plants (सपुष्पक पादपों का शारीरिकी)** 7. **Structural Organisation in Animals (प्राणियों की संरचनात्मक संगठन)** 8. **Cell: The Unit of Life (कोशिका: जीवन की इकाई)** 9. **Biomolecules (जैव-अणु)** 10. **Cell Cycle and Cell Division (कोशिका चक्र और कोशिका विभाजन)** 11. **Transport in Plants (पादपों में परिवहन)** 12. **Mineral Nutrition (खनिज पोषण)** 13. **Photosynthesis in Higher Plants (उच्च पादपों में प्रकाश-संश्लेषण)** 14. **Respiration in Plants (पादपों में श्वसन)** 15. **Plant Growth and Development (पादप वृद्धि और विकास)** 16. **Digestion and Absorption (पाचन और अवशोषण)** 17. **Breathing and Exchange of Gases (श्वसन और गैसों का आदान-प्रदान)** 18. **Body Fluids and Circulation (शरीर द्रव...

[PDF] All Named Reactions for NEET

 The PDF given in following article containes all NAMED REACTIONS that you must read for NEET examination - Here is the list of All Named Reactions - 1. Wurtz reaction 2. Fittig reaction 3. Wurtz Fittig reaction 4. Decarboxylation reaction 5. Kolbe's Electrolysis 6. Wolf Kishner reaction 7. Clemenssons reaction 8. Cory House synthesis 9. Hydroboration Oxidation (HBO) reaction 10. Oxymercuration Demercuration reaction 11. Ozonolysis 12. Kucherov's reaction 13. Diazotization 14. Lindlar's catalyst 15. Birch reduction 16. Nitration reaction 17. Friedal Crafts alkylation 18. Friedal Crafts acylation 19. Hunsdiekar reaction 20. Finkelstein reaction 21. Swarts reaction 22. Sandmeyers reaction 23. Gatterman reaction 24. Balz Schieman reaction 25. Schotten Baumann reaction 26. Riemer Tiemann reaction 27. Kolbe Schmidt reaction 28. Williamson's synthesis 29. Rosenmund reaction 30. Stephan's reduction 31. Etard reaction 32. Gatterman Koch reaction 33. Aldol Condensation 34. C...