Mind map - Structural Organisation in Animals Brain map NCERT cbse Class 11 NEET Boards

This is chapter 7 of class 11 biology. In this lesson we learn about different lecel of organization in animals. 

Main topics to study in this chapter -

1. Animal Tissues

2. Organ and Organ System



5. Frogs

However, it is not clear if Frog is in syllabus for NEET exam. Still, this mind map has detailed information of all 3 organisms ie. Earthworm, Cockroach and Frog. The mind map is very short and to the point. It will take about 15 minutes only to complete this complex chapter from the mind map. 

It's surprising that all complex animals consist of only four basic types of tissues. These are - 

Epithelial tissue, Connective Tissue Muscle tissue and Nueral tissue

Epithelial tissues are sheet like tissues lining the body surface, ducts and tubes. Epithelia have one free surface facing a body fluid or the outside environment.

Connective tissues bind, support, and connect other tissue in the body. Soft connective tissues consist of protein fibres as well as a variety of cells arranged in a ground substance.

Cartilage, bone, blood, and adipose tissue are specialised connective tissues. Cartilage and bone are both structural materials. Blood is fluid tissue that transport substances.

Adipose tissue is situated beneath the skin. It helps in storing energy in form of fat. Muscle tissue, which can contract when stimulated, helps in movement of the body and specific body parts.

Skeletal muscle is the muscle tissue attached to bones. Smooth muscle is a component of internal organs. Cardiac muscles are found in heart only. Connective tissue have three types of tissues. 

Nervous tissue has most control over the response of body. Neurons are the basic units of nervous tissue.

All of this four types of tissues work in a coordinator manners to control different body functions. To study about organ and organ system NCERT has given about three organism that is cockroach frog and earthworm.

Cockroach is member of arthropoda which is largest phylum in animal kingdom.

Frog is an amphibian animal which lives in water as well as land. Frogs also so hibernation as well as aestivation.

Earthworm has 100 - 120 segments on its body. It is member of Annelida. Presence of true segments is also called metamerism. In metamerism there is serial reputation of atleast some organs.

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Summary - this chapter tells us about different types of level of organisation, from tissues to organ and from organ to organ system. The main questions asked in the examination is about the different type of tissues and the examples of where they are found in human body. In the syllabus given by medical council of India for neet exam, the frog topic was deleted, however you should study everything because anything can be asked in exam.

Some previous year questions that were asked in NEET exam are given below -

1. The ciliated epithelial cells are required to move particles or mucus in a specific direction. In humans, these cells are mainly present in

(a) bronchioles and Fallopian tubes

(b) bile duct and bronchioles

(c) Fallopian tubes and pancreatic duct

(d) Eustachian tube and salivary duct

2. The function of the gap junction is to

(a) separate two cells from each other

(b) stop substance from leaking across a tissue

(c) performing cementing to keep neighbouring cells together

(d) facilitate communication between adjoining cells by connecting the cytoplasm for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and some large molecules.

3. The supportive skeletal structures in the human external ears and in the nose tip are examples of

(a) ligament         (b) areolar tissue

(c) bone.               (d) cartilage.

4. The ciliated columnar epithelial cells in humans are known to occur in

(a) Eustachian tube and stomach lining

(b) bronchioles and Fallopian tube

(c) bile duct and oesophagus

(d) Fallopian tube and urethra.

5. Which one of the following pairs of structures distinguishes a nerve cell from other types of cell?

(a) Vacuoles and fibres

(b) Flagellum and medullary sheath

(c) Nucleus and mitochondria

(d) Perikaryon and dendrites

6. Collagen is

(a) fibrous protein     (b) globular protein

(c) lipid.                       (d) carbohydrate.

7. Characteristic of simple epithelium is that they

(a) are arranged indiscriminately

(b) make a definite layer

(c) continue to divide and help in organ function

(d) none of the above.

8. Select the correct sequence of organs in the  alimentary canal of cockroach starting from mouth.

(a) Pharynx → Oesophagus → Ileum →Crop → Gizzard → Colon → Rectum

(b) Pharynx → Oesophagus → Crop → Gizzard→Ileum → Colon → Rectum

(c) Pharynx → Oesophagus → Gizzard → Crop→ileum → Colon → Rectum

(d) Pharynx → Oesophagus → Gizzard →Ileum→ Crop → Colon → Rectum

9. Goblet cells of alimentary canal are modified from

(a) squamous epithelial cells

(b) columnar epithelial cells

(c) chondrocytes

(d) compound epithelial cells.

10. Smooth muscles are

(a) involuntary, fusiform, non-striated

(b) voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical

(c) involuntary, cylindrical, striated

(d) voluntary, spindle-shaped, uninucleate.

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