Human Health and Disease Mind map Class 12 NEET CBSE

Human Health and Disease Mind map Class 12 NEET CBSE

The state of complete physical, mental and social well beings is called health. Health simply does not means disease free condition or physical fitness. Health is affected by-

a. Genetic disorders – the defect which child inherits from it parents.

b. Infection from microbes or other organisms.

c. Life style- includes food and water we take, exercise and rest.

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Good health can be maintained by Balanced diet, personal hygiene, Regular exercise, Awareness about the disease and their effect Immunization against the infectious disease, Proper disposal of wastage and many more factors.

Disease - Diseases can be broadly grouped into infectious and non-infectious.

a) Infectious disease -Diseases which are easily transmitted from one person to another, are called infectious diseases e.g AIDS, common cold, malaria, tuberculosis etc

b) Non-infectious disease – Diseases which cannot transmitted from one person to another, are called non- infectious diseases e.g cancer, hypertension, diabetes etc.

The disease causing microorganisms like bacteria, virus, fungus, protozoa, helminthes are called pathogen.

Typhoid -

1. Caused by bacteria Salmonella typhi.

2. This bacteria enters our body through intestine by contaminated food and water and then spread to the whole body.

3. Symptoms of typhoid - high fever, weakness, stomach pain, constipation, headache and loss of appetite are symptoms of typhoid. 

4. In severe cases intestinal perforations and death may occur.

5. Mary mallon also known as typhoid Mary was a cook and healthy career of typhoid she is spread typhoid for years by food that she prepared.

6. Widal test is used as confirmation test for typhoid.

Pneumonia -

1. Pneumonia is caused by bacteria like Streptococcus Pneumonia and Hemophilus influenzae.

2. It infects alveoli of lungs. Alveoli gets field with fluid.

3. Symptoms include fever, chills, cough and  headache. In severe cases of pneumonia lips and finger nails turn blue in colour.

Common cold

1. It is caused by rhino virus.

2. It infects nose and respiratory passage.

3. Symptoms include nasal congestion and discharge, sore throat and headache.

4. It spreads by droplet infection.

Malaria -

Malaria is caused by plasmodium. Plasmodium falciparum causes most dangerous type of malaria known as malignant malaria.

Ascariasis -

1. This is caused by ascaris or round worm.

2. Symptoms include internal bleeding, muscular pain, fever and blockage of intestinal passage.

Filariasis or Elephantiasis -

1. It is caused by Wuchreria Bancrofti and Wuchreria Malayi.

2. They cause chronic inflammation of lymphatic vessels generally in lower limbs.

Ringworm -

1. Caused by fungi like Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton.

2. The require heat and moisture to grow.

Life cycle of plasmodium -

Image credit : NCERT Biology book Class 12th

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