Locomotion and Movement Mind map NEET Class 11 chapter 20 NCERT Cbse

Locomotion and Movement Mind map NEET Class 11 chapter 20 NCERT CBSE

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Movement is an essential feature of all living beings. Protoplasmic streaming, ciliary movements, movements of fins, limbs, wings, etc., are some forms exhibited by animals.

The skeletal system is a complex network of bones and connective tissues, including cartilage, tendons, and ligaments, which provides structure and support for the body. It also serves several vital functions, such as providing movement, producing blood cells, protecting organs, and storing minerals. There are 206 bones in the human skeletal system, and each bone is composed of three main layers: the periosteum, compact bone, and spongy bone. Other components of the skeletal system include cartilage, joints, ligaments, and tendons. The skeletal system allows the body to move by providing support and structure. The bones of the skeleton provide structure and support to the muscles, which enable movement. The joints of the skeletal system allow the bones to move and bend in different directions. The strength and flexibility of the joints and muscles are further enhanced by the presence of ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. The skeletal system produces blood cells. The bone marrow of bones contains stem cells which can produce both red and white blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to the body’s cells, while white blood cells are responsible for defending the body from infections. The skeletal system also protects the organs of the body. The skull shields the brain, the ribs protect the heart and lungs, and the backbone protects the spine. The bones of the skeletal system also store minerals such as calcium and vitamin D. Minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body, and the skeletal system helps to maintain their levels. The skeletal system is susceptible to several conditions and disorders, such as arthritis, fractures, osteosarcoma, and osteoporosis. In order to keep the skeletal system healthy, it is important to get plenty of vitamin D and calcium in the diet, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, stay at a healthy weight, and wear protective gear during contact sports. In conclusion, the skeletal system is an essential component of the body. It provides structure, movement, and protection, while also producing blood cells and storing minerals. It is important to take care of the skeletal system in order to maintain good health.

A voluntary movement which causes the animal to change its place, is called locomotion. Animals move generally in search of food, shelter, mate, breeding ground, better climate or to protect themselves.

The cells of the human body exhibit amoeboid, ciliary and muscular movements. Locomotion and many other movements require coordinated muscular activities. Three types of muscles are present in our body. Skeletal muscles are attached to skeletal elements. They appear striated and are voluntary in nature.

Visceral muscles, present in the inner walls of visceral organs are nonstriated and involuntary. Cardiac muscles are the muscles of the heart. They are striated, branched and involuntary. Muscles possess excitability, contractility, extensibility and elasticity.

Muscle fibre is the anatomical unit of muscle. Each muscle fibre has many parallelly arranged myofibrils. Each myofibril contains many serially arranged units called sarcomere which are the functional units.

Each sarcomere has a central ‘A’ band made of thick myosin filaments, and two half ‘I’ bands made of thin actin filaments on either side of it marked by ‘Z’ lines. Actin and myosin are polymerised proteins with contractility.

Three types of joints are formed between bones or between bone and cartilage – fibrous, cartilaginous and synovial. Synovial joints allow considerable movements and therefore, play a significant role in locomotion.

The active sites for myosin on resting actin filament are masked by a protein-troponin. Myosin head contains ATPase and has ATP binding sites and active sites for actin. A motor neuron carries signal to the muscle fibre which generates an action potential in it.

This causes the release of Ca++ from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Ca++ activates actin which binds to the myosin head to form a cross bridge. These cross bridges pull the actin filaments causing them to slide over the myosin filaments and thereby causing contraction. Ca++ are then returned to sarcoplasmic reticulum which inactivate the actin. 

Cross bridges are broken and the muscles relax. Repeated stimulation of muscles leads to fatigue. Muscles are classified as Red and White fibres based primarily on the amount of red coloured myoglobin pigment in them. Bones and cartilages constitute our skeletal system.

The skeletal system is divisible into axial and appendicular. Skull, vertebral column, ribs and sternum constitute the axial skeleton. Limb bones and girdles form the appendicular skeleton.

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