Mind Map of Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure for NEET JEE and Class 11

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Simplified: A Comprehensive NEET Exam Guide

Chemical bonding and molecular structure are fundamental concepts in chemistry that form the basis of understanding the properties and behavior of matter. For NEET exam aspirants, a thorough understanding of these topics is crucial. In this article, we will delve into the essential aspects of chemical bonding and molecular structure, providing detailed explanations and including relevant formulas.

1. Kossel Lewis Approach:

The Kossel Lewis approach, also known as Lewis dot structures, helps represent the valence electrons of atoms using dots. The number of valence electrons for each element can be determined from its group number in the periodic table. To draw a Lewis dot structure:

- Write the symbol of the element.

- Place dots around the symbol, representing valence electrons.

- Follow the octet rule (except for hydrogen and helium), which states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration with eight electrons in their outermost shell.

2. Formal Charge:

Formal charge (FC) is a tool to evaluate the distribution of electrons in molecules and ions. The formula for calculating formal charge on an atom is:

FC = Valence Electrons - Non-bonded electrons - (1/2) * Shared electrons


- Valence Electrons: Number of valence electrons of the atom in isolation (determined by its group number in the periodic table).

- Non-bonded electrons: Electrons that an atom possesses in the molecule, which are not involved in forming covalent bonds (lone pairs).

- Shared electrons: Half of the electrons shared in a covalent bond between two atoms.


Let's consider a carbon dioxide (CO2) molecule.

Carbon (C) has 4 valence electrons. Oxygen (O) has 6 valence electrons.

In CO2:

FC(C) = 4 (Valence Electrons) - 0 (Non-bonded electrons) - 4 (1/2 * 8 shared electrons) = 0

FC(O) = 6 (Valence Electrons) - 4 (Non-bonded electrons) - 2 (1/2 * 4 shared electrons) = 0

The formal charges on both carbon and oxygen are 0, indicating a stable structure.

3. Octet Rule and its Limitations:

The octet rule states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration with eight electrons in their outermost shell. However, there are exceptions to the octet rule:

- Incomplete octet: Elements in period 2 (lithium, beryllium, boron) and hydrogen can have fewer than eight electrons in their valence shell.

- Expanded octet: Elements in period 3 and beyond (phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, etc.) can have more than eight electrons in their valence shell due to the presence of d-orbitals.

4. Bond Parameters:

Bond parameters provide insights into the strength and characteristics of chemical bonds.

- Bond Length (r): It is the distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms. It is measured in picometers (pm) or angstroms (Ã…).

- Bond Energy (E): It is the energy required to break a bond and separate the atoms involved. Bond energy is an indication of bond strength.

- Bond Polarity: Some covalent bonds have unequal sharing of electrons, resulting in a partial positive (+) and negative (-) charge on atoms. Polar bonds can lead to polar molecules.

5. Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory:

VSEPR theory helps predict the molecular shape of covalent molecules based on the repulsion between electron pairs around the central atom. The theory assumes that electron pairs, whether bonding pairs or lone pairs, repel each other and arrange themselves to minimize repulsion.

The steps to determine the molecular shape using VSEPR theory are:

- Draw the Lewis dot structure of the molecule.

- Count the total number of electron pairs (bonding pairs + lone pairs) around the central atom.

- Use the number of electron pairs to predict the molecular geometry and bond angles.

Common molecular shapes include linear (180° bond angles), bent (less than 120° bond angles), trigonal planar (120° bond angles), and tetrahedral (109.5° bond angles).

6. Valence Bond Theory (VBT):

Valence Bond Theory explains the formation of covalent bonds by the overlapping of atomic orbitals of participating atoms. The concept of hybridization arises in VBT, where atomic orbitals mix to form new hybrid orbitals that accommodate the observed molecular geometry and bond angles.

The types of hybridization include:

- sp hybridization: One s and one p orbital combine to form two sp hybrid orbitals (linear geometry).

- sp2 hybridization: One s and two p orbitals combine to form three sp2 hybrid orbitals (trigonal planar geometry).

- sp3 hybridization: One s and three p orbitals combine to form four sp3 hybrid orbitals (tetrahedral geometry).

7. Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT):

Molecular Orbital Theory describes the bonding in molecules using molecular orbitals formed by the combination of atomic orbitals. The combination of atomic orbitals gives rise to new molecular orbitals with different energy levels and properties. These molecular orbitals can be bonding, non-bonding, or anti-bonding.

To calculate bond order (BO) using molecular orbital theory:

BO = (Number of bonding electrons - Number of anti-bonding electrons) / 2

In conclusion, chemical bonding and molecular structure are essential topics for NEET exam aspirants. Understanding the Kossel Lewis approach, formal charge, octet rule, bond parameters, VSEPR theory, VBT, molecular shapes, hybridization, and MOT is crucial for success in the chemistry section of the NEET exam. Practicing with various examples and exercises will help solidify your understanding and problem-solving skills. Embrace the beauty of chemical bonding and molecular structure as you embark on your journey to excel in the NEET exam. Best of luck!

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  1. Sir please upload pdf of Class 12th Biology Chapter 5 (Principles of Inheritance and variation) and Chapter 6 (Molecular Basis Of Inheritance)....
