
Showing posts from October, 2023

Human Reproduction mind map Class 12 NEET CBSE

Humans reproduce by sexual method. The male reproductive system is located in the pelvis region. It includes a pair of testis along with accesory ducts, glands and external genitalia. Male Reproductive System -  Testes are located outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called scrotum scrotum maintenance the low temperature (2-2.5 °C lower the normal body temperature) which is required for spermatogenesis. Testis is oval shaped, and each testis is internally divided into 250 compartments known as testicular lobules. Each testicular lobule has 1 to 3 seminiferous tubule. Sertoli sells provide nutrition to the germ cells. Leydig cells synthesize and secret androgens like testosterone. To download PDF -  Download PDF of Human Reproduction Mind map  To join telegram - click here Seminiferous tubules of testis open into the Vasa efferentia through rete testis. Vasa efferentia then opens into epididymis. Epididymis leads to vas deferens. Vas deferens joins with the duct of...