Human Reproduction mind map Class 12 NEET CBSE

Humans reproduce by sexual method. The male reproductive system is located in the pelvis region. It includes a pair of testis along with accesory ducts, glands and external genitalia.

Male Reproductive System

Testes are located outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called scrotum scrotum maintenance the low temperature (2-2.5 °C lower the normal body temperature) which is required for spermatogenesis.

Testis is oval shaped, and each testis is internally divided into 250 compartments known as testicular lobules. Each testicular lobule has 1 to 3 seminiferous tubule.

Sertoli sells provide nutrition to the germ cells. Leydig cells synthesize and secret androgens like testosterone.

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Seminiferous tubules of testis open into the Vasa efferentia through rete testis. Vasa efferentia then opens into epididymis. Epididymis leads to vas deferens. Vas deferens joins with the duct of seminal vesicle and open into urethra as the ejaculatory duct. 

The male accessory glands include a pair of seminal vesicles, a pair of prostate gland and a pair of Bulbo-urethral glands. The secretion of all these gland is called seminal plasma.

The penis is male external genitalia. The enlarged end of penis is called the glans penis is covered by a loose fold of skin called foreskin.

Male accessary glands include paired seminal vesicles, prostrate and paired bulbourethral glands. Secretion of these glands forms the seminal plasma which contains fructose, calcium and enzymes. The secretion of bulbourethral glands also helps in lubrication of the penis.

Female Reproductive System

Ovaries are primary female sex organ that produce the female gamete and several steroid hormones. Each ovary is covered by thin epithelium which encloses the ovarian stroma, which is divided into a peripheral cortex and an inner medulla.

Fallopian tube extends from periphery of ovary to the uterus. The part closer to ovary is a funnel shaped structure called infundibulum having finger like projection called fimbriae.

Infundibulum leads to ampulla and join with uterus with isthmus. Uterus is pear shaped structure also called womb.

Uterus open vagina through a narrow cervix. The cavity of cervix along with vagina forms the birth canal.

Layers in Wall of uterus -

1. Perimetrium- external membrane.

2. Myometrium – middle thick layer of smooth muscles which exhibit strong contraction during delivery of baby.

3. Endometrium - line the uterine wall and undergo cyclic changes during menstrual cycle.

Female external genitalia -

Mons pubis – cushion of fatty tissues covered by skin and pubic hair.

Labia majora- fleshy fold that surround the vaginal opening.

Labia manora – paired fold of tissue under labia majora.

The opening of vagina is often partially covered by a membrane called hymen. The tiny finger like projection present at the upper junction of two labia minora above the urethral opening is called clitoris.

Spermatogenesis- in testes immature, male germ cells (spermatogonia) produce sperm by spermatogenesis that begin at puberty. The spermatogonia present at the inner side of seminiferous tubules multiply by mitotic division and increase in number. Each spematogonium contain 46 chromosomes.

Spermatogonia forms spermatocyte that undergo meiotic division to reproduce secondary spermatocytes having 23 chromosomes. The spermatids are transformed into spermatozoa by the process called spermiogenesis. The sperm heads remain embedded in sertoli cells and are released from seminiferous tubules by the process of spermiation.

Oogenesis : The process of formation of mature female gametes is called oogenesis. It started during embryonic development stage when millions of ogonia (gamete mother cells) are formed in each fetal ovary.

The gametes mother cells start division and enter into prophase-I of meiotic division and get temporally arrested at that stage called primary oocytes.

Each primary oocyteget surrounded by a layer of granulosa cell than it is called the primary follicle. At puberty, about 60,000- 80,000 primary follicles are left in each ovary.

The tertiary follicles further changes into the mature follicle called Graafian follicle, which rapture to release secondary oocytes (ovum) from the ovary by the process of ovulation.

Previous Year Questions -

1. Male hormone is produced in the testis by cells of

(a) Sertoli                     (b) epithelial

(c) spermatocytes       (d) Leydig

2. Select the correct sequence for transport of sperm cells in male reproductive system.

(a) Testis → Epididymis → Vasa efferentia → Vas deferens → Ejaculatory duct → Inguinal canal→ Urethra → Urethral meatus

(b) Testis → Epididymis → Vasa efferentia → Rete testis → Inguinal canal → Urethra

(c) Seminiferous tubules → Rete testis → Vasa efferentia → Epididymis → Vas deferens → Ejaculatory duct → Urethra → Urethral meatus

(d) Seminiferous tubules → Vasa efferentia →Epididymis → Inguinal canal → Urethra

3. The testes in humans are situated outside the abdominal cavity inside a pouch called scrotum.The purpose served is for

(a) maintaining the scrotal temperature lower than the internal body temperature

(b) escaping any possible compression by the visceral organs

(c) providing more space for the growth of epididymis

(d) providing a secondary sexual feature for exhibiting the male sex.

4. If for some reason, the vasa efferentia in the human reproductive system get blocked, the gametes will not be transported from

(a) testes to epididymis

(b) epididymis to vas deferens

(c) ovary to uterus

(d) vagina to uterus.

5. Which of the following depicts the correct pathway of transport of sperms?

(a) Rete testis → Efferent ductules → Epididymis→ Vas deferens

(b) Rete testis → Epididymis → Efferent ductules→ Vas deferens

(c) Rete testis → Vas deferens → Efferent ductules→ Epididymis

(d) Efferent ductules → Rete testis → Vas deferens→ Epididymis

6.  Seminal plasma in humans is rich in

(a) fructose and calcium but has no enzymes

(b) glucose and certain enzymes but has no calcium

(c) fructose and certain enzymes but poor in calcium

(d) fructose, calcium and certain enzymes. 

7. The difference between spermiogenesis and

spermiation is

(a) in spermiogenesis spermatids are formed, while in spermiation spermatozoa are formed

(b) in spermiogenesis spermatozoa are formed, while in spermiation spermatids are formed

(c) in spermiogenesis spermatozoa from Sertoli cells are released into the cavity of seminiferous tubules, while in spermiation spermatozoa are formed

(d) in spermiogenesis spermatozoa are formed, while in spermiation spermatozoa are released from Sertoli cells into the cavity of seminiferous tubules.

8. Which one of the following statements about human sperm is correct?

(a) Acrosome has a conical pointed structure used for piercing and penetrating the egg, resulting in fertilisation.

(b) The sperm lysins in the acrosome dissolve the egg envelope facilitating fertilisation.

(c) Acrosome serves as a sensory structure leading the sperm towards the ovum.

(d) Acrosome serves no particular function. 

9. Select the incorrect statement.

(a) LH and FSH decrease gradually during the follicular phase.

(b) LH triggers secretion of androgens from the Leydig cells.

(c) FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells which help in spermiogenesis.

(d) LH triggers ovulation in ovary.

10. Which one of the following is the most likely root cause why menstruation is not taking place in regularly cycling human female?

(a) Maintenance of the hypertrophical endometrial lining

(b) Maintenance of high concentration of sex- hormones in the blood stream

(c) Retention of well-developed corpus luteum

(d) Fertilisation of the ovum

11. What happens during fertilisation in humans after many sperms reach close to the ovum?

(a) Secretions of acrosome helps one sperm enter cytoplasm of ovum through zona pellucida.

(b) All sperms except the one nearest to the ovum lose their tails.

(c) Cells of corona radiata trap all the sperms except one.

(d) Only two sperms nearest the ovum penetrate zona pellucida.

12. Which one of the following statements is incorrect about menstruation?

(a) At menopause in the female, there is especially abrupt increase in gonadotropic hormones.

(b) The beginning of the cycle of menstruation isa Called menarche.

(c) During normal menstruation about 40 mL blood is lost.

(d) The menstrual fluid can easily clot.

13. The second maturation division of the mammalian ovum occurs

(a) shortly after ovulation before the ovum makes entry into the fallopian tube

(b) until after the ovum has been penetrated by a sperm

(c) until the nucleus of the sperm has fused with that of the ovum

(d) in the Graafian follicle following the first maturation division.

14.  What is true for cleavage?

(a) Size of embryo increases

(b) Size of cells decreases

(c) Size of cells increases

(d) Size of embryo decreases

15. The fetal ejection reflex in humans triggers the release of

(a) oxytocin from fetal pituitary

(b) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) from placenta

(c) human placental lactogen (hPL) from placenta

(d) oxytocin from maternal pituitary

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  1. Sir please upload pdf of Class 12th Biology Chapter 5 (Principles of Inheritance and variation) and Chapter 6 (Molecular Basis Of Inheritance)....
