Biodiversity and Conservation Mind map Class 12 Chapter 15 NCERT Solutions
Biodiversity and Conservation Mind map Class 12 Chapter 15 NCERT Solutions To download PDF - Click here to download PDF of Biodiversity and Conservation Mind map To join telegram - Click here Question 1. Name the three important components of biodiversity. Ans. Different type of living forms like plants animals insects microbes etc together form biodiversity. Biodiversity can have 3 components - (i) Species diversity (ii) Genetic diversity (iii) Ecosystem diversity 2. How do ecologists estimate the total number of species present in the world ? Ans. Since there is very large number of organisms present on earth, it is impossible to count every Organism. Also many Organisms are present in very harsh habitats which are very hard to explore. So, Ecologists try to estimate the total number of species by looking for patterns in biodiversity. For example space is diversity decreases when we move from equator to poles. This pattern in diversity gives an estimate number of different...