
Organism and Population Mind map Class 12 NEET CBSE

PDF of Mind map of Chapter 13 Organisms and Populations  NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 13 Organisms and Populations To download PDF of Class 12 Chapter 13 Organisms and Populations -  Click here To join telegram -  Click here 1. How is diapause different from hibernation? Ans . Diapause is a stage of suspended growth where an organism like zooplankton temporarily stop or slow down its growth. Metabolic activities are reduced during this period. Hibernation is also known as winter sleep where an organism reduces it's physical activities and remains in a sleep like state. Hibernation is seen in bears. 2. If a marine fish is placed in a fresh water aquarium, will the fish be able to survive? Why or why not? Ans. If we place a marine fish in freshwater or in aquarium, the fish will not be able to survive due to large change in salt concentration of water. The salt concentration in freshwater is very low in compared to the sea water. 3. Define phenotypic adapt...

Biomolecules Mind map PDF NEET CBSE CLASS 11

Biomolecules : All the carbon compounds that we get from living tissues are called Biomolecules. Biomicromolecules : Molecules which have molecular weights less than one thousand dalton. They are also known as monomers. They are found acid soluble fraction. Biomacromolecules : A biomolecule with molecular weight in the range of ten thousand daltons and above; found in acid insoluble fraction. e.g. polysaccharides, nucleic acids, proteins and lipids. How to analyse chemical composition of living tissues? Living tissue are treated with Trichloroacetic acid and then grinded to get Thick Slurry. Then it is filtered through cheese cloth. This gives us two parts - Filterate (Acid soluble pool) and Retentate (Acid insoluble pool). Primary and secondary metabolites : Primary metabolites have identifiable functions and play important roles in normal physiological process eg. Amino acids, nitrogenous bases, proteins and nucleic acid. Secondary metabolites are product of certain metabolic path...

Breathing and exchange of gases Mind map NEET AIIMS Class 11 Biology Human physiology

Oxygen is used by all organism to break down nutrient molecules like protein, glucose and fat to derive energy and use that energy to perform various activities. The process of exchange of oxygen from the atmosphere with carbon dioxide produced by the body is called breathing which is commonly known as respiration. Different type of organism have different ways for respiration. Respiratory organs like gills are used by aquatic arthropods and molluscs. Lungs are present in terrestrial organisms for exchange of gases. Image credit: NCERT Biology class 11 Respiratory volumes - Tidal volume (TV) : Volume of air taken in/given out during normal respiration = 500 mL. Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) : Additional volume of air inspired by forcible inspiration =  2500mL to 3000mL. Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) : Additional volume of air, a person can expire by a forcible expiration. Residual volume (RV) : Volume of air remaining in the lungs even after a forcible expiration = 1100 mL...

Human Health and Disease Mind map Class 12 NEET CBSE

Human Health and Disease Mind map Class 12 NEET CBSE The state of complete physical, mental and social well beings is called health. Health simply does not means disease free condition or physical fitness. Health is affected by- a. Genetic disorders – the defect which child inherits from it parents. b. Infection from microbes or other organisms. c. Life style- includes food and water we take, exercise and rest. To download PDF -  Human Health and Disease Mind map PDF To join telegram -  Click here Good health can be maintained by Balanced diet, personal hygiene, Regular exercise, Awareness about the disease and their effect Immunization against the infectious disease, Proper disposal of wastage and many more factors. Disease - Diseases can be broadly grouped into infectious and non-infectious. a) Infectious disease -Diseases which are easily transmitted from one person to another, are called infectious diseases e.g AIDS, common cold, malaria, tuberculosis etc b) Non-infectious...

Body Fluids and Circulation Mind map Class 11 Chapter 18 NEET

Note : PDF is at end of this page👇👇 Blood is a special connective tissue which is used to transport substances like enzymes, gases and waste materials from one part of the body to other. Blood consists of two major parts - plasma and formed elements. 55% of the blood is plasma while formed elements constitute 45% of the blood.  Plasma is a liquid part of blood which is straw coloured liquid. 90 to 92% of plasma is water and 6 to 8% is protein. Plasma have three types of protein albumin, globumin,  Blood plasma without clotting factor is known as  serum. Red blood cells are also called erythrocytes. In blood there are about 4.5 to 5.5 million RBCs per  millimetre cube of blood. RBC are red color,  circular, biconcave cells. RBCs don't have nucleus, that is there enucleated. This is because all of the inner space in RBC is used to carry oxygen. RBCs also lack cell organelles like endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, mitochondria etc. RBCs are formed in red bone mar...

Microbes in Human Welfare Mind map Class 12 NEET CBSE

We have seen a lot of bad micro-organisms in previous chapters. However other than plants and animals, a lot of microbes form a major component of biological system on earth. Micro-organisms like bacteria fungi and virus are present everywhere from soil to water and even inside our bodies. These can be found in ice cold environment as well as hot environments were temperature maybe as high as 100 degree Celsius. Microbes in household products - We use microbes in lot of daily to daily processes. For example milk is converted into curd by a bacteria called lactobacillus or lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Also bakers use fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae to get soft bread. Hence this yeast is also called as bakers yeast. Swiss cheese has large holes due to Carbon dioxide production by a bacteria known as Propionibacterium sharmanii. A very famous cheese called Roquefort cheese is right and by growing fungus Penicilliam roqueforti on it. Microbes in industries - Saccharomyces cerevisiae is also...

Digestion and absorption Mind map Class 11 Human Physiology NEET AIIMS Best revision ever

Human physiology contains a total of 7 chapters in NCERT textbook. The first chapter is digestion and absorption which tells us about our digestive system. The process of conversion of complex food materials into simple forms is called digestion. Human digestive system is divided into two parts -  the alimentary canal and the associated glands. Our digestive system is complete with two openings - anterior mouth and posterior anus. The mouth leads to oral cavity also known as buccal cavity. This cavity contains teeth and tongue. There are three pairs salivary gland situated just outside the buccal cavity. These are sub maxillary gland (in on the lower jaw) parotid gland (on the cheeks) and sub lingual gland (under the tongue). The secretions from the salivary gland comes to buccal cavity through ducts. The Saliva mainly consist of salivary amylase, some ions like sodium ion potassium ion etc. and Lysozyme enzyme. 30% of the total starch is converted into glucose in mouth by using sa...