
Plant Growth and Development mind map for NEET and Class 11

PDF is given at end of this page 👇👇 The Science of How Plants Grow As we’ve previously mentioned, plants grow according to three basic principles: photosynthesis, growth, and dormancy. These rules of nature are known as the science of how plants grow. When a plant reaches maturity, it produces its first leaves and develops its main stem. Once this happens, it’s called plant development. Plant hormones (or phytohormones) are signal molecules, produced within plants, that occur in extremely low concentrations. Plant hormones control all aspects of plant growth and development, from germination to flowering. We'll cover five major types of plant hormones: auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, and abscisic acid. These hormones can work together or independently to influence plant growth. Auxin is involved in cell growth and cell expansion, so it is produced primarily in parts of the plant that are actively growing like the stem. Gibberellin causes some similar effects in plants as...

Reproductive Health Mind map for NEET Class 12 Chapter 4

Reproductive Health Mind map for NEET Class 12 Chapter 4 Contraception, or birth control, is an important part of reproductive health and is essential for preventing unintended pregnancies. There are many different types of contraception, and it’s important to choose the type that best suits your lifestyle and needs.  Some of the most common methods of contraception are: barrier methods (such as condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps), hormonal contraceptives (such as the pill, patch, and ring), intrauterine devices (IUDs), sterilization, and natural family planning. To download PDF-  Click here to Download PDF of Reproductive health mind map To join telegram -  Click here Barrier methods work by blocking sperm from entering the uterus, and hormonal contraceptives work by preventing ovulation or changing the conditions in the uterus and cervix. IUDs are small, T-shaped devices that are inserted into the uterus, and sterilization is a form of permanent contraception. Natur...

Mineral Nutrition mind map free pdf for Class 11 NCERT Plant Physiology NEET

PDF is given at end of the page 👇👇 NCERT solution for Class 12 Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition Question 1: ‘All elements that are present in a plant need not be essential to its survival’. Comment. Answer: An element should fulfill certain criteria to be categorized as essential element. Otherwise, it cannot be considered as essential elements. Out of the numerous elements present in plants, only 17 are considered as essential elements. Question 2: Why is purification of water and nutrient salts so important in studies involving mineral nutrition using hydroponics. Answer: Purification of water and nutrient salt is important to rule out other influencing factors. Use of pure nutrients and water will help in obtaining accurate scientific results. Question 3: Explain with examples: macronutrients, micronutrients, beneficial nutrients, toxic elements and essential elements. Answer: Macronutrients: Elements which are present in large amounts in plant tissues are called macronutrients. They ...

Environmental issues Mind map PDF for Class 12 NEET

Environmental issues Mind map PDF for Class 12 NEET  Any undesirable change in physical, chemical and biological characteristic of air, water, land or soil is called as pollution. Pollutants are agents that bring those undesirable change or cause pollution.  Environmental protection act was launched in 1986 to protect our environment from pollution.  Air pollution contains particulate matter and gaseous pollutants from smokestacks of factories etc. Central pollution control board (cpcb) controls and checks different type of pollution in India. Particulate matters less than 2.5 micrometer (PM 2.5) are most harmful to human health. To download PDF-  Click here to download PDF of Environmental issues Mind map To join telegram -  Click here Particulate matter which are very small can cause harmful effects on health like respiratory problems, irritation, information, damage to lungs and also can lead to premature death. Environmental issues are of great global concer...

Biodiversity and Conservation Mind map Class 12 Chapter 15 NCERT Solutions

Biodiversity and Conservation Mind map Class 12 Chapter 15 NCERT Solutions To download PDF -  Click here to download PDF of Biodiversity and Conservation Mind map To join telegram -  Click here Question 1. Name the three important components of biodiversity. Ans. Different type of living forms like plants animals insects microbes etc together form biodiversity. Biodiversity can have 3 components - (i) Species diversity (ii) Genetic diversity (iii) Ecosystem diversity 2. How do ecologists estimate the total number of species present in the world ? Ans. Since there is very large number of organisms present on earth, it is impossible to count every Organism. Also many Organisms are present in very harsh habitats which are very hard to explore. So, Ecologists try to estimate the total number of species by looking for patterns in biodiversity. For example space is diversity decreases when we move from equator to poles. This pattern in diversity gives an estimate number of different...

Evolution Mind map for NEET and Class 12 Genetics unit

Evolution Mind map for NEET and Class 12 Genetics unit NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution Question 1. Explain antibiotic resistance observed in bacteria in light of Darwinian selection theory . Ans. According to Darwin's theory, organisms which develop favourable variations against a given situation, can survive. When we expose a population of bacteria to antibiotics, most of them die. However some bacteria which have  developed resistance against the antibiotics due to mutations will survive and reproduce. This can form all new population of bacteria which is resistant to an antibiotic. To download PDF -  Click here to download Evolution mind map PDF To join telegram -  Click here Question 2. Find out from newspapers and popular science articles any new fossil discoveries or controversies about evolution . Ans. A fossil of a cat-sized reptile that was closely related to an extinct group of flying reptiles known as pterosaurs has been unearthed in Sc...

Transport in Plants Mind map Class 11 NEET AIIMS Brain map Best short notes

PDF of the Mind Map if given at end of this page 👇👇 NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chapter Transport in plants - Question 1- What are the factors affecting the rate of diffusion? Answer: Factors affecting diffusion are -  Concentration gradient, Permeability of membrane; separating the substance, Temperature and Pressure. Question 2 - What are porins? What role do they play in diffusion? Answer: Special type of protein called Carrier proteins form porin channels in the outer membranes of plastids, mitochondria and some bacteria. The porin channels allow the molecules to pass through membrane. Molecules stick to the transport protein and are transported by facilitated diffusion. Question 3 - Describe the role played by protein pumps during active transport in plants. Answer: Protein pumps are used to transport substances against a concentrations gradient. This is a type of active transport. Active transport is carried out by membrane proteins. Pumps are proteins which use energy to ...