
Showing posts from December, 2022

Structure of atom Mind map Atomic structure class 11 Chemistry Best revision shortnotes

Structure of atom Mind map Atomic structure class 11 Chemistry Best revision shortnotes PDF is given at end of this page👇👇 Atoms are the building blocks of elements. They are the smallest parts of an element that chemically react. The first atomic theory, proposed by John Dalton in 1808, regarded atom as the ultimate indivisible particle of matter. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, it was proved experimentally that atoms are divisible and consist of three fundamental particles: electrons, protons and neutrons. Atoms are the basic building blocks of all matter. They are composed of three main components: protons, neutrons, and electrons.  Protons are positively charged particles located in the nucleus of an atom. The number of protons in an atom is called its atomic number and determines the element it belongs to.  Neutrons are electrically neutral particles also found in the nucleus of an atom. They help to keep the nucleus stable. The total number of neutrons and p...

Periodic Table - Classification of Elements and Periodic Properties mind map Class 11

Periodic Table - Classification of Elements and Periodic Properties mind map Class 11 PDF is given at end of this page In this Unit, you have studied the development of the Periodic Law and the Periodic Table. Mendeleev’s Periodic Table was based on atomic masses. Modern Periodic Table arranges the elements in the order of their atomic numbers in seven horizontal rows (periods) and eighteen vertical columns. Atomic numbers in a period are consecutive, whereas in a group they increase in a pattern.  The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of elements that organizes them according to their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties. The table is organized into vertical columns (called groups) and horizontal rows (called periods). Each element in the periodic table is represented by its atomic symbol, atomic number, and its average atomic mass. The periodic table was first proposed by Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869. He organized the 63 known...

Chemical control and coordination Mind map NEET Class 11 Best for revision short notes FREE

Chemical control and coordination Mind map NEET Class 11 Best for revision short notes FREE mind map PDF is given at end of this page There are special chemicals which act as hormones and provide chemical coordination, integration and regulation in the human body. These hormones regulate metabolism, growth and development of our organs, the endocrine glands or certain cells. The pituitary gland is divided into three major parts, which are called as pars distalis, pars intermedia and pars nervosa. Pars distalis produces six trophic hormones. Pars intermedia secretes only one hormone, while pars nervosa (neurohypophysis) secretes two hormones.  The endocrine system is composed of hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, parathyroid, thymus and gonads (testis and ovary).  In addition to these, some other organs, e.g., gastrointestinal tract, kidney, heart etc., also produce hormones.   The pituitary hormones regulate the growth and development of ...

Mind map Neural Control and Coordination Best notes and mind map for Free

Mind map Neural Control and Coordination Best notes and Brain map for Free PDF is given at end of this page👇👇 The neural system coordinates and integrates functions as well as metabolic and homeostatic activities of all the organs. Neurons, the functional units of neural system are excitable cells due to a differential concentration gradient of ions across the membrane. The human Central Nervous System (CNS) is a network of over 100 billion individual nerve cells that regulate our actions, sense our environment and process our thoughts. The CNS includes the brain and the spinal cord, which together coordinate and control the movement and activities of the body. The Central Nervous System is responsible for sensory input, integration, control of muscle and glands, homeostasis, and mental activities. Sensory input is detected by the nervous system through sensory receptors that detect external and internal stimuli. These stimuli range from vision, hearing, smell, touch, pain, body posi...

Locomotion and Movement Mind map NEET Class 11 chapter 20 NCERT Cbse

Locomotion and Movement Mind map NEET Class 11 chapter 20 NCERT CBSE PDF is given at end of this page👇👇 Movement is an essential feature of all living beings. Protoplasmic streaming, ciliary movements, movements of fins, limbs, wings, etc., are some forms exhibited by animals. The skeletal system is a complex network of bones and connective tissues, including cartilage, tendons, and ligaments, which provides structure and support for the body. It also serves several vital functions, such as providing movement, producing blood cells, protecting organs, and storing minerals. There are 206 bones in the human skeletal system, and each bone is composed of three main layers: the periosteum, compact bone, and spongy bone. Other components of the skeletal system include cartilage, joints, ligaments, and tendons. The skeletal system allows the body to move by providing support and structure. The bones of the skeleton provide structure and support to the muscles, which enable movement. The jo...

Respiration in Plants Mind map Class 11 chapter 14 NCERT for NEET AIIMS

Respiration in Plants Mind map Class 11 chapter 14 NCERT for NEET AIIMS and class 11 PDF is at end of this page👇👇 Plants unlike animals have no special systems for breathing or gaseous exchange. Stomata and lenticels allow gaseous exchange by diffusion. The breaking of C-C bonds of complex organic molecules by oxidation cells leading to the release of a lot of energy is called cellular respiration. Almost all living cells in a plant have their surfaces exposed to air. Respiration in plants is the process in which plants absorb free oxygen molecules to produce water, carbon dioxide, and energy, which is required for plants to grow. The process of respiration in plants involves using the sugars produced during photosynthesis plus oxygen to produce energy for plant growth. In this article, we will discuss the role of air temperature, the importance of oxygen for roots, ideal root zone conditions, and the importance of air in organic substrates. We will also explain the processes of tran...

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Mind map Class 11 chapter 13 NCERT Biology for NEET AIIMS medical

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Mind map Class 11 chapter 13 NCERT  PDF is given at end of this page 👇👇 Green plants make their own food by photosynthesis.  During this process carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is taken in by leaves through stomata and used for making carbohydrates, principally glucose and starch. Photosynthesis takes place only in the green parts of the plants, mainly the leaves.  Within the leaves, the mesophyll cells have a large number of chloroplasts that are responsible for CO2 fixation.  Within the chloroplasts, the membranes are sites for the light reaction, while the chemosynthetic pathway occurs in the stroma.  Photosynthesis has two stages: the light reaction and the carbon fixing reactions.  There are two photosystems, PS I and PS II. PS I has a 700 nm absorbing chlorophyll a P700 molecule at its reaction centre, while PS II has a P680 reaction centre that absorbs red light at 680 nm. Photosynthesis is the process by which hi...