Mind map - Morphology of flowering plants Best Revision trick NCERT based || All examples
Morphology means study of External features of a plant or animal. These external features include Height, Organs, Colour, weight, etc. Name of Unit - Structural Organisation in plants and animals. It contains 3 chapters in total. However, Morphology of this mind map is easier than that of plants. The main topics to study include - 1. The Root 2. The Stem 3. The Leaf 4. The Inflorescence 5. The Flower 6. The Fruit 7. The Seed 8. Semi-technical Description of a Typical Flowering Plant 9. Description of Some Important Families In general, 2 questions are asked in NEET exam from this chapter. The Chapter is easy to understand, however questions formed are very good and require careful understanding of the chapter. One of the most possible topic from which questions are asked are Families and their examples. Also, phyllotaxy and aestivation are also very important. We have to study about 3 families, these are - Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae. The floral characteristics form the basis ...