
Showing posts from June, 2022

Mind map - Morphology of flowering plants Best Revision trick NCERT based || All examples

Morphology means study of External features of a plant or animal. These external features include Height, Organs, Colour, weight, etc. Name of Unit - Structural Organisation in plants and animals. It contains 3 chapters in total. However, Morphology of this mind map is easier than that of plants. The main topics to study include - 1. The Root 2. The Stem 3. The Leaf 4. The Inflorescence 5. The Flower 6. The Fruit 7. The Seed 8. Semi-technical Description of a Typical Flowering Plant 9. Description of Some Important Families In general, 2 questions are asked in NEET exam from this chapter. The Chapter is easy to understand, however questions formed are very good and require careful understanding of the chapter. One of the most possible topic from which questions are asked are Families and their examples. Also, phyllotaxy and aestivation are also very important. We have to study about 3 families, these are - Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae.  The floral characteristics form the basis ...

Mind map Animal kingdom Chapter 4 Class 11 NEET Boards Best revision trick ever

Now you know that even you are an animal, and you also have a kingdom😅😂 Main topics to study - 1. Basis of classification - Animals are devided on the basis of -  Levels of Organisation, type of circulatory system, Symmetry, Diploblastic and Triploblastic Organisation, Coelom, Segmentation, Presence of Notochord 2. Classification of Animals - Animals are classified into 11 phylum. These are - Poryphera, Coelentrata, Ctenophora, Platyhelminths, Ascehelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Hemichordata and Chordata Porifera includes simplest animals which exhibit cellular level of organisation and have characteristic flagellated choanocytes.  Coelenterates have tentacles and bear cnidoblasts. They are mostly aquatic or free living. Ctenophores are marine animals with comb plates.  Platyhelminths have flat body and exhibit bilateral symmetry. The parasitic forms also have hooks and suckers. Aschelminthes are pseudocoelomates and include parasitic as ...

Mind map || Plant Kingdom || Class 11 Chapter 3 Brain map

Now Revise topics in a super easy way using this mind map. It works best when you have watched video also.  Note : PDF is given at end of this page👇👇 In a nutshell, these are the topics that you will study in this mind map - 1. Algae 2. Bryophytes 3. Pteridophytes 4. Gymnosperms 5.Angiosperms 6. Plant Life Cycles  7. Alternation of Generations 8. Types of Classifications Artificial System of Classification • Based on androecium structure and vegetative characters. Natural System of Classification • Based on natural affinities among organisms • Included external as well as internal features • By Geroge Bentham and J.D. Hooker Phylogenetic System of Classification • Based on evolutionary relationships between the various organisms  • By Engler and Prantl  Numerical Taxonomy : • Carried out using computers • Based on all observable characteristics • Data processed after assigning number and codes to all the characters. • Advantages : Each character gets equal importa...

Biological Classification Mind map Class 11

This chapter deals with classification of 1.7 - 1.8 million species that inhabit this world. Biological classification of plants and animals was first proposed by Aristotle on the basis of simple morphological characters. You also learn to name species according to a universally adopted System of Nomenclature, that is Binomial nomenclature. This system was given by Carolus Linneaus. Two Kingdom system of classification with Plantae  and Animalia kingdoms was also developed by Linneaus. It consists of Kindgom Plantea and Kingdom Animalia only.  Im 1969 R.H. Whittaker proposed a Five Kingdom Classification. The kingdoms defined by him were named Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. Some acellular organisms like viruses and viroids as well as the lichens are not included in the five kingdom system of classification. The main topics you've to study are - Kingdom Monera Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae  Kingdom Animalia  Viruses, Viroids and Lichen...

Biotechnology and it's Applications mind map PDF for NEET and Class 12

Biotechnology and it's Applications mind map PDF for NEET and Class 12 Biotechnology involves use of living organism or their parts or molecular analogues.  This Chapter deals with applications of Biotechnology in different fields like agriculture, medicines, curing genetic and hereditary diseases etc.  In this lesson you'll study about 4 major topics - 1. Biotechnological Applications in Agriculture 2. Biotechnological Applications in Medicine 3. Transgenic Animals 4. Ethical Issues Click here to download pdf -  Download Biotechnology has given to humans several useful products by using microbes, plant, animals and their metabolic machinery. Recombinant DNA technology has made it possible to engineer microbes, plants and animals such that they have novel capabilities. Genetically Modified Organisms have been created by using methods other than natural methods to transfer one or more genes from one organism to another, generally using techniques such as recombinant DNA te...

Flashcards of Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Class 11 for NEET NCERT Chapter 1

PDF is given at end of this page 👇👇. Topic from this chapter that you must study before exam are also given below. Subscribe to my other channel - click here Most asked questions - 1. Mole concept 2. Laws of Chemical combination This chapters has following important topics -  In this unit, you'll study about - • Characteristics of three states of matter • Classification of different substances into elements, compounds and mixtures • Use of scientific notations and determining  significant figures • Precision and accuracy; • SI base units and conversion  of physical quantities from one system of units to another • Laws of chemical combination • Significance of atomic mass, average atomic mass, molecular mass and formula mass • Mole and Molar mass; • Calculation of mass percent of component elements constituting a compound • Empirical formula and molecular formula • Stoichiometry The study of chemistry is very important as its domain encompasses every sphere of life. Che...

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes Class 12 and NEET

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes Class 12 and NEET This is mind map of Chapter Biotechnology: Principles and Processes of Class 12 Biology.  This mind map is fully made from NCERT textbook of 12th grade and nothing is taken from outside. For Best revision, first watch video of the chapter and then study mind map. To watch video, click here Click here to download pdf To join telegram channel - join now Biotechnology is an important unit for NEET and about 2-3 questions are asked from this unit.   This unit consist of 2 chapters -  Biotechnology : principles and processes Biotechnology and its applications About 7.5% of the total weightage of NEET Biology is asked from Biotechnology. The paper had 3 questions on average appearing from this unit with a total of 12 marks. This first chapter basically tells you about what is biotechnology and what are the processes that are involved in it. It also tells about different principles of Biotechnology. The main topics of th...

Mind map - The living world Brain map Class 11 Chapter 1

Here's the Updated mind map of Chapter 1 The Living World from NCERT Biology of Class 11. I'm this chapter, you'll study about these four major topics - 1. What is ‘Living’? 2. Diversity in the Living World 3. Taxonomic Categories 4. Taxonomical Aids We have certain rules and principles for identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms. The branch of knowledge dealing with these aspects is referred to as taxonomy. The taxonomic studies of various species of plants and animals are useful in agriculture, forestry, industry and in general for knowing our bio-resources and their diversity. The basics of taxonomy like identification, naming and classification of organisms are universally evolved under international codes. Based on the resemblances and distinct differences, each organism is identified and assigned a correct scientific/biological name comprising two words as per the binomial system of nomenclature. This mind map is best for revision in last days of...

Reproduction in Organisms Mind map Class 12 Chapter 1 NEET AIIMS

 By - Mridul Tiwari PDF of Mind map is given at end of this page. Reproduction in Organisms In this chapter, we study about two types of reproduction seen in plants and animals - Sexual Reproduction and Asexual Reproduction Life span - period from birth to the natural death of an organism is life span. Life span doesn't depend on size of the organism, like crow is similar in size to parrot, however life span of crow is 15 years while parrot lives average life of 140 years. Reproduction is a biological process in which an organism gives rise to young ones (offspring) similar to itself. Asexual reproduction doesn't involve fusion of gametes Or fertilization. The offsprings formed in asexual reproduction are similar to their parents and also similar to one another. There is no variation. Asexual reproduction (NCERT figure) Asexual reproduction in plants (NCERT figure) However, in sexual reproduction, fertilization is must. In fertilization, male gamete fuses to female gamete givi...